签约作家:【张玉庭专栏】杂 文 三 题 /张玉庭(河北)

杂 文 三 题


小 心 “ 不 是 东 西 ” 的 错 误







如 果 点 错 了 鸳 鸯 谱 








何 谓 趾 高 气 扬





       于是进而想起一首古代的小令:“君子失时不失象,小人得志把肚壮,街前缧子学马走,到底还是驴子样。”(明 • 散曲 • 诵子令 • 驴儿样)


       《史记  管晏列传》中的一个情节似可做为答案:晏子在齐国为相时,他的车夫总是春风得意,满脸目空一切的高傲样儿。一次,他的得意样儿被他的妻子从门缝中看见,便毫不客气地批评他:“你看人家晏子,身为一国之相,坐在车上一付谦恭的样儿,偏偏你这个破赶车的倒得意洋洋!”说着还提出要与他分手,使那个得意的丈夫听了十分尴尬。平心而论,这位车夫的妻子品味不俗,眼光也挺敏锐,一眼就能看穿得意是一种丑。




Three topics of essay

Wen/Zhang Yuting (Hebei)

Be careful of "not something" mistakes

"The moon in foreign countries is more round than in China." This is the mantra of the blind worshippers.

"The bald heads of foreign countries are brighter than the moon of China!" It~q~s a genuine slave tune. Those who say this have too much cartilage disease and too little mental calcium.

In fact, foreigners also learn from us Chinese. If Kafka is well-known, he is deeply impressed by Zhuangzi~q~s "Dream Butterfly of Zhuangsheng" in China. The story tells us that Zhuangsheng~q~s dream turned into a butterfly. When he woke up, he was confused: Did I become a butterfly or a butterfly become me? Indeed, the story was so meaningful that it inspired Kafkarton that he turned one of his salesmen into a big beetle, and from then on he was trapped and tortured until his tragic death, which is the basic plot of the world famous book Metamorphosis. You see, in Chinese writings, people become butterflies, in Kafka~q~s writings, people become big beetles. Obviously, this foreigner draws nourishment from our Chinese story.

In this case, why do I have to say that Chinese people are not as good as foreigners everywhere? The fact is that all nationalities always learn from each other. When we study foreigners, they are also learning from us. Many universities in Beijing, Shanghai and other places do not receive foreign students from the East and the West all the year round?

Learning, to learn its essence and strive to digest, step by step to learn from foreigners, hate farting also bring a little foreign flavor, I think it is not necessary. Similarly, if foreigners have to draw foreign gourds according to Chinese gourds, they will inevitably draw four different images. The author has heard a story about a foreigner who has studied in China for three years and admires Chinese language and writing so much that he tells his disciples vividly after returning home: "Chinese people are rich in languages. They often refer to inanimate but usable objects as things. For example, cars are things, ships are things, airplanes are things. Again, I am not something!" It~q~s definitely not something!" God! A foreigner who blindly worshipped the Chinese language shouted that he was no longer "thing". Is this a comedy? Or tragedy?

To put it bluntly, there is no absolute boundary between tragedy and comedy. Of course, it is gratifying to learn and get something out of it. It is inevitable to make a fool out of it if you don~q~t learn properly. People, when you study foreigners, please don~q~t make such "not something" mistakes.

If the dot is wrong, the Mandarin Duck Spectrum

Du Fu was a poet of the Tang Dynasty, and Wu Zixu was a Chu man in the Spring and Autumn Period. If Du Fu was allowed to marry Wu Zixu, he would be called Feng Ma Niu.

But slowly, Feng Menglong~q~s Ancestral Temple clearly records the origin and development of this strange marriage: there is a Du Shiyi Temple (Du Shiyi is Du Fu) in Wenzhou unexpectedly understood by the ignorant as "Du Shiyi" temple, and many people have also sculpted a woman~q~s image in the temple, which makes Du Fu a slim woman at once; the more ignorant and "kind-hearted" people believe that since another one nearby. In the temple, Wu Qixu Xianggong had no wife, so he simply moved Aunt Du Shi to the past and allowed Wu Qixu to be a wife, which was Wu Zixu of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period.

To marry Du Fu and Wu Zixu, the fallacy is astonishing. It is even more astonishing to have a random number of Mandarin ducks.

Coincidentally, when I closed my conversation with my friends, I actually heard a similar modern humour: Jiang Zhuying and Luo Jian-fu, two famous scientists in China, both had a man~q~s eyebrows. After their early death, many articles about the pity of singing praises were published in the newspapers, and people also booed and shocked, expressing deep regret for their loss. Two shallow ladies, who clearly did not know who Jiang Luo was, but preferred to be subordinate and elegant, laughed in the public. One said, "Jiang Zhuying is really not simple. She really deserves our heroine!" Unexpectedly, another answer was even more strange: "Of course, how else would she marry a foreigner named Rodgenf?"

God! It is a strange logic that all "British" are women and all "husbands" are foreigners. If Feng Menglong knew it, he would laugh off his chin.

In this way, the absurd generation not only existed in ancient times, but also continues to be strong.

What is ridiculous? It~q~s a form of extreme ignorance, isn~q~t it? From Du Fu Wu Zixu~q~s "marriage" to Jiang Zhuying-Luojian~q~s "marriage", it~q~s not all because of the ignorant~q~s nonsense.

What is arrogance?

What is arrogance?

The Donkey in Aesop~q~s Fables seems to be the answer.

Once, the donkey walked down the street with the sacred elephant on his back. When people saw the sacred elephant on his back, they knelt down and worshiped. When the donkey saw that people were so respectful to him, he mistakenly thought that he was the greatest. The next day, he had nothing on his back, but he had to walk up and down the street with his head held high, and deliberately bumped into the bump. People could not bear it. They were furious and beat him severely. But until then, he did not understand why he was so proud yesterday, but today he is so awkward.

Think about it! Who makes you stand tall!

Then he remembered an ancient decree: "A gentleman is always like a donkey when he loses time. A young man is ambitious, and a young man is like a horse when he learns to walk in front of the street." (Ming Sanqu, Chanting Ziling, Donkey-like)

So, what is "small people get ambition"?

A plot in Shiji Guanyan Liezhuan seems to be the answer: When Yanzi was the Prime Minister of Qi State, his coachman was always proud of the spring breeze, with an air of arrogance on his face. Once, his proud manner was seen by his wife through the crack in the door, and he was not polite to criticize him: "You look at Yan Zi, as the Prime Minister of a country, sitting on the car with a modest look, you are so proud of this broken car!" He also offered to break up with him, which made the proud husband very embarrassed. To be fair, the coachman~q~s wife has a good taste and a keen eye. She can see at a glance that pride is an ugliness.

Indeed, vague pride is certainly not beauty.

Believe it or not, please rethink the donkey in the above story.

No wonder people often use the word "foolish" to describe donkeys, the original answer is here.

Editor in chief: Zhang Tonghui



张玉庭,执教于某高校中文系。安徽省作协会员,市作家协会文学顾问,《读者》杂志首批签约作家,出版小小说集《女教师的特异功能》、《爱情四重奏》,刊首语集《青春女神嫁给了谁》,文艺随笔集《美与趣》、《理与趣》、《情与趣》、《雅与趣》、《书中的红豆》、《点击智慧》,爱情美文集《醋溜男女》、《爱情麻辣烫》,幽默小品集《不妨幽它一默》,寓言集《会开花的故事》,童话集《男孩帅帅和老鹰秃秃》。主编小作家丛书 《小荷才露尖尖角》、《看我七十二变》、《梦,从这里起飞》、《神奇的童话树》等。有大量作品入选多种文集、语文教材、教辅用书、中考试卷等。


















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